Sunday, October 10, 2010 60 second ad

Here is the 60 second ad for Kidblog, a great site where you can set up a classroom blog page free of ads and other distractions and it's free.
All screenshots and screenflows were taken using the site. The music was written/performed/produced by me and my wife helped me video the bits with me in it (also my friends, Jay and Viv, were the mystery hands in the first scene)


  1. I absolutely love this video. I too went the infomercial route but I have to admit that yours is much better. I thought the music was outstanding. I really appreciate when others have fun with there assignments (which I prefer) and allow us to see a little more about the person. Thanks for making my night Peter. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. Wow! I loved the tone of this; upbeat and fun. Great visuals! You're braver than I have been. So far I've not appeared on camera in my OMM, and this was so effective. I signed up to follow your blog today and am anxious to see what's next to be posted! Your blog's page background is lovely.
