Thursday, October 21, 2010

PE5_Google Docs-Draw

Hi There Finger Tappers,
So here is the last installment from Google Docs. This is the draw program and the best way to test a draw program for me is to draw something. (Sound a bit lame but it’s true)
Today I’m going to draw a jet because I’m a boy and because it fulfills all the basic requirements for drawing.

I first start back in the Google Docs page and go to the “create new” tab and select drawing. When it comes up I can see all the usual suspects in terms of draw package tools. There are tools for lines, standard shapes, curved lines, polygons, color bucket and line color, text , insert picture, line thickness and line type.

So let’s get started. I think pretty much in polygons so I’m going to start with some polygons to make the cockpit. I select the polygon tool that looks like a badly drawn heart lying down and begin clicking and dragging to make the shape I'm thinking of. When I close the polygon it releases me from the tool and creates the polygon. Now I can go up to the tool bar and change the thickness or color of the line around it or fill it with a different color.

From there on I continue adding more polygons together to build my basic shape.

I notice that some of my polygons are sitting strangely so I have a couple of choices. I can either double click on the polygon and it allows me to change the angles by dragging them and reshaping the polygon or I can change the order that they are lying. In other words I can send one to the back or bring it forward to mask the other.

Now I notice that some of my polygons are jagged and I'd like some smooth lines so I grab the tool on the tool bar that looks like a curved line. With this I can draw shapes with curved sides. It takes time to get used to but it's worth playing with. If I want a standard polygon I can selet one from the tool bar selct one and place it on the picture. I used a circle for the British markings on the wings. I layered three of them in different colors.

So here is the jet. You can also import a picture of the sky to put behind it. If you do, make sure you make the cockpit color transparent so the background comes through.

One thing I was disappointed in not seeing was the ability to fill the polygons with a gradient rather than just a flat color. Oh well, for a freebie it's not bad and I might even be fun to draw collaboratively with some else. Could be fun.
Next time!

1 comment:

  1. Peter, I love the Google Drawing. I was wondering about how you fit the drawing on the page. At first you show the cockpit area and then you showed the whole aircraft. Just some specifics on your page layout, I suppose, would be helpful to me at this point.

